Health Tips

Health Benefits of water

Home remedies for Fever

 #1: Drink as much water as you can in order to replace fluid loss. It will also help to bring down body  temperature.
 #2:Rest as much as possible.
 #3:Avoid suddenly changes in atmospheric temperatures.
 #4:Avoid eating solid foods until the fever is gone. You can replace the foods by drinking plenty of distilled water and/or juices.
 #5:when you have fever do not take any supplement containing either iron or zinc. Taking iron causes great tension in a body that is fighting infection; and zinc is not absorbed by the body when you have fever.
 #6:Take cool bathes, fill a bath tub, submerge and lay down for 5' approximately. Repeat as needed until the fever is down.
 #7:If the fever does not exceed 102 degrees let it run its course. It helps the body to fight infection and eliminate toxins.
#8:When a child has fever do not give them aspirin, instead try to reduce the fever with cold baths. 

Home remedies for cough and cold

1. Gargle with hot water by adding a pinch of salt into it, it helps in curing the sore throat.
2. Keep drinking hot drinks like coffee and tea or simply luke warm water.
3. Add turmeric powder, ginger powder and a teaspoon of honey to warm milk. This not only helps in curing cough but also relieves from bodyache, cold and headache.
4. For cold, steam inhalation is the best home remedy.
5. While preparing your tea, add few tulsi leaves and crushed ginger to it along with black pepper, it is much relief for cough and cold.
6. One who is susceptible to cough and cold should consume Chavanprash (it is the best ayurvedic tonic for winter) or amla murrabba as it comprises high content of Vitamin C which helps one develop a strong immunity against cough and cold.
Home remedies for  Upset Stomach 

Home Remedy for Upset Stomach #1 – Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

When it comes to home remedies, apple cider vinegar has got to be near the top of the list as a “go to” for just about everything.  For stomach upset, most folks put a shot of ACV (roughly 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon) in a glass of room temperature water and drink it down.  Some add a bit of honey to mellow the flavor.  As we age, many of us produce less stomach acid, which bogs down digestion.  A little extra acid helps get things moving again.

Home Remedy for Upset Stomach #2 – Raw Honey

Raw honey contains the enzymes diastase, invertase, catalase, glucose oxidase, acid phosphatase and inulase, which aid in digestion and assimilation. (See raw honey enzymes for more details.)  Honey has also been found to be effective against E. coli and Candida albicans.  Take a spoonful on its own or combined with your ACV drink (remember – raw honey will have the most active enzymes).

Home Remedy for Upset Stomach #3 – Papaya

Papaya fruit or papaya enzyme capsules are both effective at assisting with digestion. Papaya contains the enzymes papain and chymopapain, which are similar to digestive enzymes.  Papain is used in many commercial meat tenderizers because it helps break down proteins.  Enjoy some fresh papaya or take some papaya enzymes capsules, but don’t expect the same results from dried papaya.  The World’s Healthiest Foods indicates that dried papaya is likely to be low on enzymes, which are heat sensitive.  Look for organic papaya, as much of the papaya crop (roughly 80%) of the papaya crop is genetically modified.

Home Remedy for Upset Stomach #4 – Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is more likely to be effective for extracting problem substances than treating general upset stomach.  Within hours of consuming the problem food, Health recommends keeping some activated charcoal on hand so that “it can be consumed in the scenario that a family member should ingest something potentially poisonous such as a medicine overdose, a household cleaner, gone off food, sedatives or narcotics. This will then reduce the body’s absorption by up to 60% which could save their life. “  It should be consumed with plenty of water because it may cause dehydration, and should not be mixed with something like chocolate milk or syrup.

Home Remedy for Upset Stomach #5 – Baking Soda

Just add one half to one teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to a glass of water, mix well and drink it down.  Best for occasional use only, this fizzy drink can bring on a burp that may ease stomach pressure and will reduce acidity in the stomach.

Home Remedy for Upset Stomach #6 – Spices

Cardamom, coriander, fennel, ginger, fenugreek, caraway (top right in photo above) and other herbs have a history of use as digestive aids.  Simply chew a few seeds or nibble some candied ginger to help relieve nausea, soothe intestinal spasms and help you flatulate.  (Better out than in, after all.)
Mountain Rose Herbs. A herbs, health and harmony c

Home Remedy for Upset Stomach #6 – Herbal Teas

Peppermint tea was my “go to” drink for pregnancy nausea, and I still find it soothing for mild stomach upset. Other herbal teas recommended for upset stomach include chamomile, catnip, cinnamon, fennel, ginger, green, lemon balm, licorice, sage, valerian and yarrow.  (Read more at “My Indigestion Remedies“.)  In a pinch, if you don’t have tea handy, strong mints (like Altoids) may have a similar effect.

Home Remedy for Upset Stomach #7 – Live Culture Foods/ Probiotics

If I end up eating a less than stellar meal that does not sit well, the first thing I do is grab for a bottle ofkombucha when I get home.  Kombucha is a live culture food, which means that it is loaded with friendly bacteria that help your body do its job.  Milk kefir, water kefir, yogurt, kraut, kimchi or any fermented food will act to boost the populations of good microorganisms in your digestive tract.  These are also very good to eat with a meal to avoid the stomach upset in the first place.
Health Benefits of Mangoes 

Mango Prevent obesity:Mango contains a sufficient quantity offiber, which causes slow absorption of sugar into the blood stream; helps reducing appetite, maintain blood sugarlevels resulting in controlling body weight.When the fiber passes through intestines it also eliminates a number of harmful fats of the body.Mango is also valuable to combat acidity and poor digestion.1. Improves Digestion
High level of soluble dietary fiber, Pectin and Vitamin C present in mangoes helps to lower serum cholesterol levels specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol.
3. Improves Concentration and Memory Power
Mangoes are useful to children who lack concentration in studies as it contains Glutamine acid which is good to boost memory and keep cells active.

10 Health Benefits of Yogurt:

Yogurt is rich in potassium, calcium, protein and B vitamins, including B-12. Research shows yoghurt strengthens and stabilizes the immune system.
1. Yogurt is good for the bones.
2. Yogurt packs as much protein as meat.
3. Yogurt curbs your hunger.
4. Yogurt may help you lose weight.
5. Yogurt is good for digestion.
6. Yogurt may help lower blood pressure.
7. Yogurt is packed with vitamins.
8. Yogurt helps fight bad breath.
9. Yogurt is good for the skin.
10. Yogurt boosts the immune system.

3. Yogurt curbs your hunger.
4. Yogurt may help you lose weight.
5. Yogurt is good for digestion.
6. Yogurt may help lower blood pressure.
7. Yogurt is packed with vitamins.
8. Yogurt helps fight bad breath.
9. Yogurt is good for the skin.
10. Yogurt boosts the immune system.

10 Reasons Why you should eat garlic daily:

1. Garlic Contains a High Amount of Antioxidants – The antioxidants destroy free radicals and reduce overall oxidation stress. Free radicals can damage DNA and cell membranes. High levels of oxidation stress have been associated with many diseases and conditions. Antioxidants are also beneficial for preventing types of cancer.
2. Garlic Lowers Your Cholesterol- A study found that the consumption of garlic reduced cholesterol by 9 to 12 percent. Reductions were noted in LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.
3. Garlic is Antibacterial- Garlic acts as a natural antibiotic. It is able to eliminate harmful bacteria but does not kill off healthy bacteria as chemical antibiotics do.
4. Garlic is Anti-fungal- Garlic’s Allicin is also responsible for destroying fungi. Many use garlic as a means of eliminating fungal infections.
5. Garlic Thins the Blood- Garlic consumption has been shown to thin the blood which can aid in preventing heart disease, the formation of blood clots, heart attacks and stroke.
6. Garlic Boosts Your Immune System- Garlic has strong antiviral properties. To many in Russia, garlic was known as “Russian Penicillin” due to its abilities to effectively treat infections. A study found that garlic is effective at preventing and treating the common cold. It found that those who consumed garlic had significantly fewer colds and the length of their cold was shortened compared to those who did not eat garlic.
7. Garlic Lowers Risk of Atherosclerosis: Studies suggest that garlic may prevent blood clots and destroy plaque which contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.
8. Garlic Lowers Your Blood Pressure- Garlic has been used in China for many years as blood pressure medication. Additionally, the Japanese government officially recognized garlic as a blood-pressure depressor.
9. Garlic Helps Your Joints- A study found that those who eat high amounts of garlic were less likely to have osteoarthritis.
10.Garlic Prevents Cancer- Increased intake of garlic has been found to be associated with the reduced risk of certain cancers. This includes cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast.

The Health Benefits of Coconut Water 

Coconut water was used as a “universal donor”, making it identical to human blood plasma. It was used in the Pacific War to save thousands of lives through Coconut IV’s, and emergency plasma transfusions.

Surprisingly, Coconut water is more nutritious than whole milk. Its crammed with Natural Sugars, Salts, and Vitamins to block out fatigue.

Coconut water could potentially be the greatest energy drink in the world, to top it off, it’s all-natural. Coconut water contains more potassium than the majority of energy drinks. The chloride it holds is at 118g, and it’s natural sugars extent to about 5mg.

Most importantly, coconut water contains less sodium than any other energy drink.

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